2024 World Series of Poker

Carey Check-Raises the River

Level 41 : Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Stephen Dauphinais raised to 4,200,000 from the button with J9. Justin Carey defended the big blind with KJ

Carey checked the Q510 flop, and Dauphinais bet 5,000,000. Carey called.

The 6 on the turn got checked through for the A to come on the river. Carey checked and Dauphinais bet 15,000,000. Carey check-raised all in for 43,000,000 and Dauphinais snap-folded.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Dauphinais ca
Stephen Dauphinais
Justin Carey us
Justin Carey

Tags: Justin CareyStephen Dauphinais