2024 World Series of Poker

Charles Kersey Eliminated in 6th Place ($289,630)

Level 41 : Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante
Charles Kersey
Charles Kersey

Charles Kersey raised to 9,300,000 from the button and Stephen Dauphinais called from the big blind.

Dauphinais bet 500,000 to put Kersey all-in on the 996 flop and Kersey made the call.

Charles Kersey: AJ All in
Stephen Dauphinais: 1010

The 6 on the turn and the 5 river spelled the end for Kersey in this event.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Dauphinais ca
Stephen Dauphinais
Charles Kersey us
Charles Kersey

Tags: Stephen DauphinaisCharles Kersey