2024 World Series of Poker

Jackson Doubles Through Hickey

Level 39 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Harvey Jackson
Harvey Jackson

Harvey Jackson raised to 2,400,000 in early position, but faced a three-bet when Jason Hickey made it 7,000,000.

Action folded back to Jackson, who moved all in for his remaining chip stack. Hickey immediately called to put Jackston at risk.

Harvey Jackson: KJ All in
Jason Hickey: AK

The dealer fanned 7Q2 on the board, giving Jackson a flush draw. Jackson got there when 6 fell on the turn. The 5 arrived on the river and didn’t alter the outcome.

Jackson doubled up, and Hickey’s chip stack was decimated.

Player Chips Progress
Harvey Jackson us
Harvey Jackson
Jason Hickey us
Jason Hickey

Tags: Harvey JacksonJason Hickey