2024 World Series of Poker

Croffut Flops a Boat

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante
Adam Croffut
Adam Croffut

Adam Croffut raised under the gun to 1,600,000 and Harvey Jackson defended from the big blind.

Jackson checked to Croffut on the QQ8 flop and Croffut bet 800,000. Jackson raised to 2,400,000 and Croffut made the call.

The 7 turn saw Jackson bet out for 4,000,000 and Croffut called.

Jackson opted to check the J on the river and after a few moments, Croffut moved all in for 4,200,000. Jackson didn't take long to call and was shown 88 by Croffut for a flopped full house. Jackson turned over KQ for trip queens as his chips were sent over to Croffut.

Player Chips Progress
Adam Croffut us
Adam Croffut
Harvey Jackson us
Harvey Jackson

Tags: Adam CroffutHarvey Jackson