2024 World Series of Poker

Stefan Bittger Eliminated In 14th Place ($68,940)

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante
Stefan Bittger
Stefan Bittger

Stefan Bittger open shoved all in for his remaining 5,000,000 from middle position. Paul Saso then re shoved all in from the hijack, the rest of the players folded and the hands were tabled.

Stefan Bittger: K9 All in
Paul Saso: JJ

The board ran out with some drama as Bittger flopped a pair and turned a flush draw when the dealer spread 948A, but unfortunately for Bittger he could not improve on the river 2 sending him to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Saso us
Paul Saso
Stefan Bittger de
Stefan Bittger

Tags: Paul SasoStefan Bittger