2024 World Series of Poker

Set of Nines Help Bittger Chip Up

Level 33 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante

Damien Gayer raised to 600,000 from early position. He was called by Stefan Bittger on the button and Charles Kersey out of the big blind.

The action checked to Bittger on the 1096 flop and he bet 650,000. Kersey folded, but Gayer made the call.

Gayer check-called a bet of 1,700,000 from Bittger on the 7 turn.

The 2 river got checked through. Gayer showed Q10 for top pair, but this was second best to the 99 for Bittger, taking the hand down with a set

Player Chips Progress
Stefan Bittger de
Stefan Bittger
Damien Gayer fr
Damien Gayer
Charles Kersey us
Charles Kersey
Liviu-Rodrig Bartha lt
Liviu-Rodrig Bartha
Junhao Wu sg
Junhao Wu

Tags: Charles KerseyDamien GayerStefan Bittger