2024 World Series of Poker

More Pressure From Julia

Level 30

Stud Hi-Lo

Nicholas Julia completed with a 5 up and Masafumi Iijima three-bet with a 2 and Julia called.

Nicholas Julia: XxXx/5673
Masafumi Iijima: XxXx/2K810 (Folded on sixth)

Iijima bet on fourth street and Julia called.

On fifth street, Iijima checked over to Julia who bet and Iijima called.

Sixth street saw Iijima check once more and he folded to Julia who bet.

Player Chips Progress
Nicholas Julia us
Nicholas Julia
WSOP 1X Winner
Masafumi Iijima jp
Masafumi Iijima

Tags: Masafumi IijimaNicholas Julia