2024 World Series of Poker

Day: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Mostafa Haidary Leads Final Four Players Chasing $656,747 First-Place Prize in Event #52: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Mostafa Haidary
Mostafa Haidary

The third day of Event #52: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed played out today at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas with some fascinating twists and turns which left just four players still in contention for the $656,747 first prize and the World Series of Poker (WSOP) gold bracelet.

It's Mostafa Haidary who leads the way with a stack of 15,375,000 chips in pursuit of his first bracelet. The Australian player flew under the radar for the first part of the day but turned it up a gear as the tournament approached the business end by eliminating Sonny Franco with pocket tens against the Frenchman's ace-queen. Haidary was then at risk of finishing just shy of the podium places but won a crucial flip against Krasimir Yankov during the last level to take the chip lead.

Yankov sits second in the counts with 12,825,000 chips and started building a stack in Level 24 where he tripled barreled his way to a double-up courtesy of Lucas Blanco. The Bugarian player never looked back from there as he eliminated both Max Kruse (7th - $79,436) and Matthew McEwan (6th - $107,770) on the final table. Despite losing that previously mentioned flip to Haidary late on, Yankov still has a great chance of capturing the victory come Day 4.

Final Table Results and Remaining Payouts

1  $656,747
2  $437,821
3  $300,293
4  $206,606
5Pedro MadeiraBrazil$148,939
6Matthew McEwanUnited States$107,770
7Max KruseGermany$79,436

Brandon Schwartz bagged up 4,300,000 chips and will start Day 4 with the shortest stack but can count his lucky stars he is still in with a shot after he was staring elimination in the face during Level 24 when his pocket queens were up against the bullets of Turbo Nguyen. Luckily for Schwartz, a queen on the flop brought him back from the brink of being felted which set him on his way to the final table.

The only remaining bracelet winner in the field is Germany's Bernd Gleissner who managed to bag up 8,575,000 chips — good for third in the counts. Gleissner won his bracelet at the World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE) at the back end of 2023 in a Turbo Freezeout event and already has three cashes in the 2024 edition of the WSOP. The German player's fourth cash is already guaranteed to be a career-best score and a win would take him into the top 50 on his country's all-time money list.

Day 4 Seat Draw and Chip Counts

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Brandon SchwartzUnited States4,300,00017
2Krasimir YankovBulgaria12,825,00051
3Mostafa HaidaryAustralia15,375,00062
4Bernd GleissnerGermany8,575,00034

There were 37 players that started the day with the hope of making it to the final table but the likes of David Coleman (35th), Dong Chen (26th), Kharlin Sued (21st), Georgios Sotiropoulos (20th), Nenad Dukic (17th), and Jake Schwartz (14th) all were eliminated as the day progressed.

Max Kruse
Max Kruse

Perhaps one of the more interesting stories of the day was Germany's bracelet winner Kruse who was down to just a few big blinds early on in the day but managed to spin up a stack after he won multiple all-in pots and reach the final table. Unfortunately for the German player, his luck ran out in a ridiculous hand he played with the aforementioned Yankov and McEwan after all three players flopped a set. Kruse couldn't find the one-outer and was ultimately eliminated in seventh for $79,436.

The fourth and final day of the event will get underway at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 23, with the blinds starting at Level 31 (125,000/250,000/250,000) in the Horseshoe Events Center.

Stay tuned for comprehensive coverage of this event and the remaining tournaments at the 2024 World Series of Poker, delivered by the dedicated live reporting team at PokerNews.

Tags: Brandon SchwartzDavid ColemanDong ChenGeorgios SotiropoulosJake SchwartzKharlin SuedKrasimir YankovLucas BlancoMatthew McEwanMax KruseTurbo Nguyen

Pedro Madeira Eliminated in 5th Place ($148,939)

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira

Pedro Madeira moved all in for his remaining amount of 940,000 from the small blind. Bernd Gleissner was in the big blind and only needed to check one card before calling.

Pedro Madeira: Q7 All in
Bernd Gleissner: AA

Gleissner looked down at only the A before calling. Madeira showed his hand first and then Gleissner revealed his second card, which also happened to be a red ace. The flop came 246. The turn was the 9 and the river the J to provide no sweat and the large Brazilian rail followed their man to the exits.

Player Chips Progress
Bernd Gleissner de
Bernd Gleissner
WSOP 1X Winner
Pedro Madeira br
Pedro Madeira
Run It Once

Tags: Bernd GleissnerPedro Madeira

Matthew McEwan Eliminated in 6th Place ($107,770)

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Matthew McEwan
Matthew McEwan

Krasimir Yankov raised to 320,000 from the hijack, and when it folded it the big blind Matthew McEwan, he three-bet all in for 1,400,000. Yankov snapped called, and McEwan was all in and at risk.

Matthew McEwan: K10 All in
Krasimir Yankov: KK

McEwan would need a lot of help to stay in the tournament, but when the board ran out 78824 McEwan could not crack the kings of Yankov and was eliminated in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Krasimir Yankov bg
Krasimir Yankov
Matthew McEwan us
Matthew McEwan

Tags: Krasimir YankovMatthew McEwan

Max Kruse Eliminated in 7th Place ($79,436)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Max Kruse
Max Kruse

Matthew McEwan raised to 240,000 from middle position. Max Kruse jammed 1,055,000 from the hijack. Krasimir Yankov called the jam from the button. Action was back on McEwan who assessed Yankov's stack before re-jamming which Yankov snap-called.

Max Kruse: 44 All in
Krasimir Yankov: AA All in
Matthew McEwan: QQ

It was a massive three-way all in with Yankov sitting in the catbird's seat.

"I hear you deal bad beats" said McEwan to the dealer as he prepared the flop. And sure enough the Q was visible in the window as Yankov groaned but the dealer slowly fanned it out to reveal a shocking A4Q flop to give all three players a set as the players and rail reacted in astonishment.

The turn was the K and the river the J to give Yankov the huge pot, eliminate Kruse and leave McEwan short.

Player Chips Progress
Krasimir Yankov bg
Krasimir Yankov
Matthew McEwan us
Matthew McEwan
Max Kruse de
Max Kruse
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Krasimir YankovMatthew McEwanMax Kruse

Yang Zhang Eliminated in 8th Place ($59,665)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Yang Zhang
Yang Zhang

Matthew McEwan called from the small blind and Yang Zhang checked his option from the big blind.

The flop came 77A and McEwan led out for 125,000. Zhang made the call.

While the turn peeled off the 6, McEwan continued for 400,000. Again, Zhang found the call.

The river was the 8 and McEwan took little time to move all in. Zhang called with the shorter stack and revealed Q7. McEwan made his flush draw on the river with 82 to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew McEwan us
Matthew McEwan
Yang Zhang cn
Yang Zhang
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Matthew McEwanYang Zhang

Sonny Franco Eliminated in 9th Place ($59,665)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Sonny Franco
Sonny Franco

Mostafa Haidary raised to 225,000 from under the gun and Pedro Madeira three-bet to 650,000 from the button. Sonny Franco was in the big blind and he shoved all in for 2,005,000, then Haidary shoved for 4,365,000. Madeira had a big decision on his hands but ultimately elected to stay out of the way and folded.

Sonny Franco: AQ All in
Mostafa Haidary: 1010

Franco did improve to a flush draw on the KK5 flop but both the 3 turn and 9 river were bricks which meant he was eliminated in 9th.

Player Chips Progress
Mostafa Haidary au
Mostafa Haidary
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Pedro Madeira br
Pedro Madeira
Run It Once
Sonny Franco fr
Sonny Franco

Tags: Mostafa HaidaryPedro MadeiraSonny Franco

Ihar Soika Eliminated in 10th Place ($45,684)

Level 27 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Ihar Soika
Ihar Soika

Matthew McEwan opened to 200,000 from the cutoff, when Ihar Soika three-bet to 1,700,000, leaving only 300,000 chips behind, Bernd Gleissner then announced all in, McEwan folded, and Soika made the call.

Ihar Soika: KQ All in
Bernd Gleissner: QQ

Soika was dominated by the queens of Gleissner, and when the board ran out 8J6AJ the pocket queens were still best, and Soika was eliminated in 10th place.

Player Chips Progress
Bernd Gleissner de
Bernd Gleissner
WSOP 1X Winner
Matthew McEwan us
Matthew McEwan
Ihar Soika by
Ihar Soika

Iaron Lightbourne Eliminated in 11th Place ($45,684)

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Iaron Lightbourne
Iaron Lightbourne

On the last hand before dinner break, Mostafa Haidary raised to 225,000 from the button. Iaron Lightbourne was in the big blind and jammed all in. Haidary said "Good luck buddy" and called.

Iaron Lightbourne: QQ All in
Mostafa Haidary: 22

But it would not be good luck for Lightbourne as the flop came 9J2 to hit the duck. The turn was the 8 and the river the 5 to send the Brit on his way as the rest of the players went to dinner.

Player Chips Progress
Mostafa Haidary au
Mostafa Haidary
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Iaron Lightbourne gb
Iaron Lightbourne

Tags: Iaron LightbourneMostafa Haidary

Bogdan Munteanu Eliminated in 12th Place ($35,671)

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Bogdan Munteanu
Bogdan Munteanu

The action folded to Bogdan Munteanu in the small blind who shoved all in for 420,000, and Max Kruse called out of the big blind.

Bogdan Munteanu: AJ All in
Max Kruse: K3

Munteanu's run came to an end as the 7367Q runout gave Kruse a pair.

Player Chips Progress
Max Kruse de
Max Kruse
WSOP 1X Winner
Bogdan Munteanu ro
Bogdan Munteanu

Tags: Bogdan MunteanuMax Kruse

Richard Dixon Eliminated in 13th Place ($35,671)

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Richard Dixon
Richard Dixon

Richard Dixon moved all in from the cutoff. Brandon Schwartz re-jammed his big stack from the button which got the blinds to fold and the cards were turned up.

Richard Dixon: A4 All in
Brandon Schwartz: QQ

Schwartz was looking to continue his charmed run with queens as the flop came K23. The turn was the 10 and the river came the 3 to end the run for Dixon as the all-time winningest player from Wyoming added a solid result to his resume.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Schwartz us
Brandon Schwartz
Richard Dixon us
Richard Dixon

Tags: Brandon SchwartzRichard Dixon