2024 World Series of Poker

Richard's Stack Going On a Downward Slope

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante
Christopher Castellan
Christopher Castellan

Carson Richards made it 9,000,000 from the cutoff and Christopher Castellan shoved for 56,000,000 from the big blind. Richards debated for just a moment before he flicked in the call.

Christopher Castellan: 88 All in
Carson Richards: A4

Richards was screaming for an ace but it never arrived as the board ran out 631076 which kept the snowmen of Castellan in the lead and doubled him up.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Castellan us
Christopher Castellan
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsChristopher Castellan