2024 World Series of Poker

Trayner Makes the Right Call to Take Over as Chip Leader

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante
Malcolm Trayner
Malcolm Trayner

Christopher Castellan raised to 9,000,000 from middle position and Malcolm Trayner called from the hijack. Carson Richard was in the big blind and he also made the call.

The flop fell Q102 which was checked around to the 5 turn. Richards led out for 10,000,000 which got Castellan to fold, but Trayner called.

On the 8 river, Richards counted a bet of 24,000,000 and dropped the chips into the pot, and Trayner quickly called by tossing in a single chip.

"Ace-high' sighed Richards.

Trayner flipped up K10 for a pair of tens, and he was pushed the pot and took the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Malcolm Trayner au
Malcolm Trayner
WSOP 1X Winner
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards
Christopher Castellan us
Christopher Castellan

Tags: Carson RichardChristopher CastellanMalcolm Trayner