2024 World Series of Poker

Azran Scores a Massive Double-Up Early On

Level 43 : Blinds 2,000,000/4,000,000, 4,000,000 ante
Oshri Azran
Oshri Azran

Oshri Azran raised from the button to 10,000,0000 and Christopher Castellan made the call from the big blind.

On the K59 flop, Castellan check, Azran bet 10,000,000, and Castellan shoved all in. Azran had 35,000,000 behind and wasted no time in making the call which put him at risk.

Oshri Azran: KJ All in
Christopher Castellan: Q9

Azran was in the lead and would join the chip leaders if his hand could hold up. If Castellan could find a way to win the hand, his stack would swell to near 200,000,000 and he would be an overwhelming chip leader.

The turn brought a 10 which swapped some of the outs around, and the Q river improved Castellan to two pair, but also gave Azran a straight which doubled him up.

Player Chips Progress
Oshri Azran us
Oshri Azran
Christopher Castellan us
Christopher Castellan

Tags: Christopher CastellanOshri Azran