2024 World Series of Poker

Christopher Battenfield Eliminated in 12th Place ($56,500)

Level 42 : Blinds 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Christopher Battenfield
Christopher Battenfield

Action folded around to Christopher Battenfield in the small blind who moved all in for his last 14,000,000 chips. Christopher Castellan was sitting in the big blind and made the call, covering Battenfield.

Christopher Battenfield: AK All in
Christopher Castellan: AJ

The board ran out J2610J and Castellan sent Battenfield packing, despite being dominated preflop.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Castellan us
Christopher Castellan
Christopher Battenfield us
Christopher Battenfield

Tags: Christopher BattenfieldChristopher Castellan