2024 World Series of Poker

Payne Sticking Around

Level 41 : Blinds 1,250,000/2,500,000, 2,500,000 ante

Antonio Payne was all in for his last 1,200,000 from early position and Amir Mirrasouli called from the small blind. Kyle Mizell then shoved all in for a little under 20,000,000, and Mirrasouli folded.

Antonio Payne: QQ All in
Amir Mirrasouli: AJ

Payne got the lifeline he needed as the 8647K runout kept his ladies in the lead to boost his stack up to two big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Amir Mirrasouli us
Amir Mirrasouli
Kyle Mizell us
Kyle Mizell
Antonio Payne us
Antonio Payne

Tags: Amir MirrasouliAntonio PayneKyle Mizell