2024 World Series of Poker

Mizell Left With Crumbs

Level 40 : Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Amir Mirrasouli opened to 4,500,000 from the hijack and Kyle Mizell shoved the cutoff for around 28,000,000. Jefferson James was sat in the small blind and he committed all of his 23,000,000 chips to the pot. When the action got back to Mirrasouli, he folded.

Jefferson James: 1010 All in
Kyle Mizell: A8

A safe runout of 292Q3 saw James double up which left Mizell with around two big blinds in his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Jefferson James us
Jefferson James
Kyle Mizell us
Kyle Mizell

Tags: Amir MirrasouliJefferson JamesKyle Mizell