2024 World Series of Poker

Richards Makes the Wrong Call

Level 40 : Blinds 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Carson Richards raised to 4,200,000 from under the gun and the action folded to Christopher Castellan, who decided to defend his big blind.

They both checked through the Q48 on the flop to the 2 on the turn. Castellan fired out a bet of 5,500,000 for Richards to call.

The river completed the board with the K and Castellan continued with a bet of 15,000,000. Richards considered it for a bit and made the call, but mucked when Castellan revealed the KJ for top pair.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Castellan us
Christopher Castellan
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards

Tags: Carson RichardsChristopher Castellan