2024 World Series of Poker

Sandy Sanchez Eliminated in 22nd Place ($36,550)

Level 38 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Sandy Sanchez
Sandy Sanchez

Carson Richards opened to 2,500,000 from middle position and Sandy Sanchez shoved all in for around 3,000,000 from the hijack. Oshri Azran then shoved all in from the big blind for around 14,000,000, and Richards called to give himself a chance at picking up two bounties.

Sandy Sanchez: AJ All in
Oshri Azran: 44 All in
Carson Richards: A8

The flop of 54Q gave Azran a set but Richards picked up a flush draw.

The 4 turn sealed the hand as Azran improved to quads, and the meaningless Q filled out the board.

Player Chips Progress
Carson Richards us
Carson Richards
Oshri Azran us
Oshri Azran
Sandy Sanchez us
Sandy Sanchez

Tags: Carson RichardsOshri AzranSandy Sanchez