2024 World Series of Poker

Thomas Taylor Eliminated in 2nd Place ($175,179)

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 265,000 ante
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor

Christopher Vitch opened 750,000 and Thomas Taylor made the call.

The dealer spread a flop of J62and Taylor check-called a bet of 600,000.

When the 9 fell on the turn, Taylor took the lead betting the full pot of 2,950,000. Vitch stuck around with a call.

The 5 completed the board on the river and Taylor jammed for roughly 2,000,000. Vitch snap-called.

Taylor tabled Q1098 for a queen-high flush but saw the bad news as Vitch rolled K1074 for the king-high flush.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor

Tags: Christopher VitchThomas Taylor