2024 World Series of Poker

Big Pot for Vitch

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 265,000 ante
Christopher Vitch
Christopher Vitch

Thomas Taylor called in the small blind before Christopher Vitch raised to 600,000 in the big blind. Taylor slid out the call and the dealer turned over the 3610 flop.

Taylor checked to Vitch, who continued for 450,000. The call was made to the K turn, where Taylor check-called another bet of 1,200,000 from Vitch.

The J river saw Taylor check again, with Vitch counting out a bet of 2,400,000. Taylor went into the tank, taking a few minutes before tossing out a call.

"Three kings," said Vitch as he tabled AKK8 to take down a massive pot.

Player Chips Progress
Christopher Vitch us
Christopher Vitch
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor
David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Christopher VitchThomas Taylor