2024 World Series of Poker

Joe Firova Eliminated in 4th Place ($92,850)

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Joe Firova
Joe Firova

Thomas Taylor opened 320,000 under the gun and Joe Firova three-bet 1,125,000 from the small blind. Taylor put in a four-bet and Firova called off his stack of about 1,700,000.

Joe Firova: QJ108 All in
Thomas Taylor: AK103

The 972 gave Firova a wrap while Taylor picked up a flush draw. The A turn paired Taylor and the 7 river was no help for Firova as he exited the tournament in 4th place.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Taylor ca
Thomas Taylor
Joe Firova us
Joe Firova

Tags: Joe FirovaThomas Taylor