2024 World Series of Poker

Prociak Makes Aces Full to Leave Frank Short

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
David Prociak
David Prociak

David Prociak opened 360,000 in the small blind and Christopher Frank defended the big blind.

When the AKQ flop hit the felt, Prociak continued for 300,000 and Frank called.

Both players checked the J turn and the Q paired the board on the river.

Prociak announced a pot-sized bet of 1,440,000 and Frank sigh-called as he asked, "Do you have anything?"

Frank quickly flashed his hand but mucked it as he saw Prociak's aces full as he tabled AA92.

Player Chips Progress
David Prociak us
David Prociak
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Christopher Frank de
Christopher Frank
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher FrankDavid Prociak