2024 World Series of Poker

Ausmus into the Lead

Level 26 : 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante
Jeremy Ausmus
Jeremy Ausmus

In a limped pot, the flop came Q87. Jeremy Ausmus 76 checked and Chris Hunichen Q4 bet 1,000,000. Ausmus called.

The turn 5 gave Ausmus an open-ended straight draw in addition to his pair and flush draw, but was still behind the top pair of Hunichen.

He checked and Hunichen bet 4,000,000.

Ausmus called and the river was the A. Both players checked and Ausmus took down the pot with his better flush.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Ausmus us
Jeremy Ausmus
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chris HunichenJeremy Ausmus