2024 World Series of Poker

Pham Takes a Commanding Chip Lead

Level 369 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 6,000,000 ante

Khang Pham limped from the button. Marc Wolpert raised to 3,200,000 from the big blind. Pham made the call and they headed to the flop.

Wolpert bet 2,000,000 on the 8J5 flop and Pham made the call.

The 7 turn saw Wolpert bet 5,200,000. Pham now raised to 10,600,000 and Wolpert put in the call.

The A fell on the river and after some thinking, Wolpert checked. Pham announced all-in for Wolpert's remaining 31,000,000 chips. Wolpert didn't take long before folding his cards.

Player Chips Progress
Khang Pham us
Khang Pham
WSOP 1X Winner
Marc Wolpert us
Marc Wolpert
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Khang PhamMarc Wolpert