2024 World Series of Poker

Pham Takes a Chunk Out of Liu

Level 38 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 0 ante

Renmei Liu raised from the button to 2,000,000 and Khang Pham made the call. The flop arrived with 5107 and both players checked.

On the turn 4, Pham bet out 2,800,000 and received a call.

The river 7 is where it really got heated when Pham bet 6,900,000 and Liu three-bet to 15,000,000 and Pham announced all in with the superior stack effective 13,000,000.

Liu folded and Pham took a massive pot down.

Player Chips Progress
Khang Pham us
Khang Pham
WSOP 1X Winner
Renmei Liu ca
Renmei Liu

Tags: Khang PhamRenmei Liu