2024 World Series of Poker

Liu Holds on With Cowboys

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante

Renmei Liu raised to 2,400,000 out of the small blind and Mark Bramley defended from the big blind.

Liu bet 1,500,000 on the 474 flop and Bramley made the call.

Liu checked the Q turn to Bramley and he bet 2,300,000. Liu called and they headed to the river.

The A river saw Liu check. Bramley moved all in for Liu's remaining 10,400,000. Liu took a few moments before putting in the call.

Bramley winced and turned over J10 for just jack-high. Liu flipped over KK for the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Renmei Liu ca
Renmei Liu
Mark Bramley us
Mark Bramley

Tags: Mark BramleyRenmei Liu