2024 World Series of Poker

Bramley Scoops a Big Pot From Wolpert

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante
Mark Bramley
Mark Bramley

Mark Bramley raised to 2,300,000 from the button and Marc Wolpert three-bet to 8,000,000. Wolpert had a massive chip advantage and was utilizing his stack well to put pressure on his opponents but Bramley was having none of that and four-bet all in for 15,200,000. Wolpert made the call and announced, "Good luck".

Mark Bramley: KK All in
Marc Wolpert: 55

The board ran out with 9Q287 and Bramley secured a nice double up which only took a small dent out of Wolpert.

Player Chips Progress
Marc Wolpert us
Marc Wolpert
Day 3 Chip Leader
Mark Bramley us
Mark Bramley

Tags: Marc WolpertMark Bramley