2024 World Series of Poker

Limped Pot Gone Wrong or Right

Level 36 : Blinds 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Renmei Liu
Renmei Liu

Khang Pham limped in middle position and Renmei Liu called from the cutoff, Randy Levin called from the small blind and Marc Wolpert checked in the big blind. The flop came out with 94J. Wolpert announced, "Check to the limper" and everyone checked.

On the turn Q everyone checked to Liu who moved all in for 3,800,000 and Levin with a few more chips quickly called.

Both players announced, "Straight" but it was Liu who held the better straight.

Renmei Liu: K10 All in
Randy Levin: 108

The river 8 was irrelevant and Liu scored a big pot which left Levin descimated.

Player Chips Progress
Marc Wolpert us
Marc Wolpert
Day 3 Chip Leader
Khang Pham us
Khang Pham
WSOP 1X Winner
Renmei Liu ca
Renmei Liu
Randy Levin us
Randy Levin

Tags: Khang PhamMarc WolpertRandy LevinRenmei Liu