2024 World Series of Poker

Bramley's Squeeze Works Out

Level 36 : Blinds 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante

Marc Wolpert raised to 1,600,000 under the gun and Khang Pham called from the hijack. Mark Bramley then three-bet squeezed to 4,500,000 out of the small blind. After the big blind folded, Wolpert asked to see Bramley's stack. A few moments later he elected to fold and Pham followed suit with a fold shortly after.

Player Chips Progress
Marc Wolpert us
Marc Wolpert
Day 3 Chip Leader
Khang Pham us
Khang Pham
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Bramley us
Mark Bramley

Tags: Khang PhamMarc WolpertMark Bramley