2024 World Series of Poker

James Traber Eliminated in 22nd Place ($28,444)

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
James Traber
James Traber

Ray Devita was on the button and it folded to him and he put the pressure on the blinds and raised to 600,000. James Traber was in the small blind and he three-bet all in for 4,175,000 and Devita made the call.

James Traber: JJ All in
Ray Devita: AQ

Traber called for it to hold but the board did not oblige with 7Q296 and Traber was eliminated and Devita built a bigger stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ray Devita
Ray Devita
James Traber us
James Traber

Tags: Barry GoldbergJames TraberRay DevitaRichard Rothmeier