2024 World Series of Poker

Vecino Good with the Jack-Deuce

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Javier Zarco opened to 500,000 and was called by Juan Carlos Vecino to see a flop of K92. Vecino checked, Zarco bet 350,000, and Vecino called to see another K peel on the turn.

Vecino then check-called another bet of 350,000 from Zarco to continue to the river, which brought out the third K. The action then went check-check and Vecino flipped over J2 for kings full of deuces, prompting a quick fold from Zarco.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Carlos Vecino es
Juan Carlos Vecino
Javier Zarco es
Javier Zarco

Tags: Javier ZarcoJuan Carlos Vecino