2024 World Series of Poker

Yasheel Doddanavar Eliminated in 6th Place ($79,676)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Yasheel Doddanavar
Yasheel Doddanavar

Yasheel Doddanavar raised to 200,000 from middle position, Yunkyu Song three-bet to 700,000 from the cutoff and Doddanavar called.

The 85J flop saw Doddanavar check. Song bet out 500,000 and Doddanavar check-raised, moving all in for 4,100,000.

"So sick," exclaimed Song as he made the call, "Aces?" he asked as he got out of his chair.

Yasheel Doddanavar: J10 All in
Yunkyu Song: KK

Song was pleasantly surprised to see he was ahead. The 9 turn gave Doddanavar additional outs but the 5 river ultimately saw Doddanavar sent to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Yunkyu Song us
Yunkyu Song
Yasheel Doddanavar in
Yasheel Doddanavar

Tags: Yasheel DoddanavarYunkyu Song