2024 World Series of Poker

Jon Glendinning Eliminated in 9th Place ($35,873)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Jonathan Glendinning
Jonathan Glendinning

Javier Gomez moved all in from the small blind and Jon Glendinning called from the big blind, putting himself at risk.

Jon Glendinning: A8
Javier Gomez: 44

Gomez started off ahead in this flip with his pair, and the runout of 3J9K3 kept it that way to send Glendinning to the rail in ninth place.

Player Chips Progress
Javier Gomez es
Javier Gomez
Day 2 Chip Leader
Jon Glendinning us
Jon Glendinning

Tags: Javier GomezJon Glendinning