2024 World Series of Poker

Zarco Goes Runner-Runner to Double Through Doddanavar

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Javier Zarco
Javier Zarco

Javier Zarco moved all in preflop and was snap-called by Yasheel Doddanavar to put him at risk of elimination.

Javier Zarco: A10All in
Yasheel Doddanavar: KK

By the turn 3752, Zarco had a lot of outs as any ace, four, or diamond would him the pot, and just like that, the river was the 9 to give him a flush to secure the double.

"Vamos!" he shouted as he celebrated with his rail as the chips were shipped his way.

Player Chips Progress
Javier Zarco es
Javier Zarco
Yasheel Doddanavar in
Yasheel Doddanavar

Tags: Javier ZarcoYasheel Doddanavar