2024 World Series of Poker

Big Stacks Gomez and Shah Duke it Out; Gomez Emerges as Dominant Leader

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez

Kavin Shah limped from the small blind and Javier Gomez bumped it up to 500,000, which Shah called.

On the flop of A92, Shah checked, Gomez bet 350,000, and Shah called to see the 5 on the turn. Shah checked, Gomez thought for a few seconds before he continued for 1,300,000, but Shah showed no fear and made the call.

When the river fell the 3, Shah checked once more to Gomez, who loaded the clip and fired off a huge bet of 3,800,000, sending Shah deep into the tank.

After over three minutes, Shah made the call, but was then shown the bad news when Gomez rolled over J4 (the Robbie) for a rivered straight.

The table let out a collective gasp and Shah pursed his lips and tossed in his cards while he watched the mega pot get shipped over to Gomez.

Player Chips Progress
Javier Gomez es
Javier Gomez
Day 2 Chip Leader
Kavin Shah in
Kavin Shah

Tags: Javier GomezKavin Shah