2024 World Series of Poker

Doddanavar Gets Paid

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Nicholas Massey raised to 325,000 from the cutoff and Yasheel Doddanavar defended in the big blind.

The 586 flop checked through to the 7 on the turn. Doddanavar took the lead for 350,000 and Massey called.

The Q river saw Doddanavar size up to 850,000 and Massey made a quick call. Doddanavar tabled A9 for a turned straight, winning him this pot.

Player Chips Progress
Yasheel Doddanavar in
Yasheel Doddanavar
Nicholas Massey us
Nicholas Massey

Tags: Nicholas MasseyYasheel Doddanavar