2024 World Series of Poker

Jed Friedman Eliminated in 22nd Place ($14,784)

Level 25 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Jed Friedman
Jed Friedman

PokerNews picked up the action on a heads-up turn of 7985 when Michael Berk bet 375,000 and Jed Friedman moved all in.

Berk checked his cards one more time and made the call to put Friedman at risk.

Jed Friedman: QJ
Michael Berk: 88

Berk was in the lead with his flopped set of eights but any ten or heart would win it for Friedman, while a six would chop.

Alas, the river fell the brick 4 and Friedman was sent to the payout desk while the pot was shipped to Berk.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Berk us
Michael Berk
Jed Friedman us
Jed Friedman

Tags: Jed FriedmanMichael Berk