2024 World Series of Poker

Friedman Doubles Through Berk

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

After a limp by Jed Friedman on the button, Michael Berk moved all in from the big blind, sending Friedman into the tank. After over a minute, Friedman made the call, putting his tournament life at risk.

Jed Friedman: K10All in
Michael Berk: A7

Berk was ahead with his ace-high, but the flop of 9K2 immediately pulled Friedman into the lead with his king and the runout of 94 changed nothing to win him the double.

Player Chips Progress
Jed Friedman us
Jed Friedman
Michael Berk us
Michael Berk

Tags: Jed FriedmanMichael Berk