2024 World Series of Poker

Carlos Vecino Building a Monster Stack

Level 18 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

Action was picked up with the big blind Monika Zukowicz all in for 89,000, with Juan Carlos Vecino in the early position, and Jed Friedman on the button making the call.

The flop came 55J and Carlos Vecino checked to Friedman, who bet out 50,000. Carlos Vecino then elected to raise to 165,000, which after taking some time to debate his decision, Friedman did make the call.

The turn was the 9 and Carlos Vecino continued his aggression by betting out 130,000. Friedman elected to lay his hand down, giving the side pot to Carlos Vecino.

Monika Zukowicz: AJ All in
Juan Carlos Vecino: QQ

Zukowicz was able to flop top pair, however, she was still in need of help as Carlos Vecino had the over pair with his queens.

The river came the 10 and officially eliminated Zukowicz, as Carlos Vecino scooped in a huge pot.

Player Chips Progress
Juan Carlos Vecino es
Juan Carlos Vecino
Jed Friedman us
Jed Friedman
Monika Zukowicz pl
Monika Zukowicz

Tags: Jed FriedmanJuan Carlos VecinoMonika Zukowicz