2024 World Series of Poker

Lang Leaves Rotholz on Fumes; Denzik Bubbles

Level 16
Mike Lang
Mike Lang

Mike Lang: XxXx/722K/Xx
Hal Rotholz: XxXx/863K/Xx

Mike Lang bet on fifth street and Hal Rotholz called.

Lang bet again on sixth and Rotholz called down to seventh, where Lang bet again. Rotholz called.

"Kings and jacks," Lang announced, showing KJJ.

"What? Come on," Rotholz said as he tossed his cards away in frustration.

As this hand was taking place came the announcement from the floor that Cheryl Denzik had been eliminated at another table, bringing an end to the protracted money bubble.

"I'm glad that happened. I would've played it the same way," Rotholz said.

The remaining 17 players are now in the money.

Cheryl Denzik
Cheryl Denzik
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Mike Lang us
Mike Lang
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Hal Rotholz us
Hal Rotholz
$25K Fantasy
Cheryl Denzik us
Cheryl Denzik

Tags: Cheryl DenzikHal RotholzMike Lang