2024 World Series of Poker

Denzik Takes Out Moncek; Hand-For-Hand Play Begins

Level 16
Michael Moncek
Michael Moncek

Michael Moncek: XxXx/3K
Cheryl Denzik: XxXx/KJ

Cheryl Denzik completed, Michael Moncek raised, and Denzik called.

Moncek put in his last chips on fourth street and Denzik called.

Moncek finished with K1094322 for a pair of deuces, while Denzik had AKJJ65Xx] for a pair of jacks to send Moncek to the rail.

With 18 players remaining, play is going hand-for-hand until there is one more elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Cheryl Denzik us
Cheryl Denzik
Michael Moncek us
Michael Moncek
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Cheryl DenzikMichael Moncek