2024 World Series of Poker

Denzik Fills Up to Bust Bronstein

Level 14
Cheryl Denzik
Cheryl Denzik

Cheryl Denzik: XxXx/A369/Xx
Noah Bronstein: XxXx/J8QQ/Xx

Three-handed on fourth street, Noah Bronstein bet and only Cheryl Denzik called.

Bronstein bet again on fifth, but this time Denzik raised. Bronstein called as he made a pair of queens on sixth.

Bronstein bet, Denzik raised again, and Bronstein reraised all in. Denzik quickly called to put him at risk.

Bronstein turned over 1092 for a straight, while Denzik had AA for rolled up aces. She peeled her last card, which was the 9 to give her a full house as Bronstein made a hasty exit from the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Cheryl Denzik us
Cheryl Denzik
Noah Bronstein us
Noah Bronstein

Tags: Cheryl DenzikNoah Bronstein