2024 World Series of Poker

Volpe Can't Push Around Denzik

Level 12
Cheryl Denzik
Cheryl Denzik

Cheryl Denzik: XxXx/3Q1010/Xx
Paul Volpe: XxXx/AQ4Q/Xx

Paul Volpe bet on fourth street and Cheryl Denzik called.

Volpe continued betting on fifth and sixth as Denzik called him down. Volpe then bet again on seventh.

"Call in the dark. I have kings in the hole," Denzik said as she called even before looking at her last card. She showed KK for two pair and Volpe mucked JJ6 for a beaten queens and jacks.

"He's always trying to push me around. Obviously, I have kings," Denzik said as she stacked up the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Cheryl Denzik us
Cheryl Denzik
Paul Volpe us
Paul Volpe
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Cheryl DenzikPaul Volpe