2024 World Series of Poker

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70,200 2,100
Table 59Seat 8
68,100 12,200
Table 59Seat 8
Table 82Seat 5
55,900 11,600
Table 59Seat 8
Table 28Seat 1
36,000 6,800
Table 110Seat 6
26,600 1,600
Table 104Seat 7
31,100 -100
Table 82Seat 4

End of level 3

Table 7Seat 105
20,500 -4,600
Table 105Seat 2

1st break

44,300 8,100
Table 59Seat 8
17,500 -3,700
Table 63Seat 3
39,200 8,200
37,100 2,100
Table 77Seat 6
Table 80Seat 7
Table 59Seat 8
27,000 -6,700
Table 67Seat 7
28,000 500
Table 60Seat 6
36,200 -3,400
Table 97Seat 6
27,500 2,500
Table 108Seat 2
Table 93Seat 6
39,600 8,300
Table 97Seat 6
25,100 100
Table 105Seat 2

level 3 100/400/800

Table 81Seat 2
Table 81Seat 2
31,000 3,900
33,000 29,700
Table 81Seat 2