2024 World Series of Poker

Akihiro Kawaguchi Eliminated in 6th Place ($23,349)

Level 31
Akihiro Kawaguchi
Akihiro Kawaguchi

Akihiro Kawaguchi: 7x2x / 8xQxQx2x / 7x All in
Ingo Klasen: 8x3x / KxJxAxAx 6x

Akihiro Kawaguchi raised and Ingo Klasen defended his bring in. Fourth street saw Kawaguchi bet and Klasen call. On fifth, Kawaguchi called a bet from Klasen for his remaining 210,000 in chips. The final streets were dealt and Klasen improved to a jack-eight to beat Kawaguchi who did not make a five card low.

Player Chips Progress
Ingo Klasen de
Ingo Klasen
Akihiro Kawaguchi jp
Akihiro Kawaguchi

Tags: Akihiro KawaguchiIngo Klasen