2024 World Series of Poker

Brad Lindsey Eliminated in 7th Place ($17,313)

Level 30
Brad Lindsey
Brad Lindsey

Brandon Shack-Harris completed with a 5x, Brad Lindsey raised with a 2x, and Shack-Harris called.

Brad Lindsey: 4x3x / 2x2xQx9x / 9x
Brandon Shack-Harris: 7x6x / 5x3x2x4x / Jx

Lindsey led on fourth and moved all-in on fifth and Shack-Harris called.

Shack-Harris made a six-five to eliminate Lindsey in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Shack-Harris us
Brandon Shack-Harris
WSOP 2X Winner
Brad Lindsey us
Brad Lindsey

Tags: Brad LindseyBrandon Shack-Harris