2024 World Series of Poker

Lindsey Compromised

Level 29

Brad Lindsey: XxXx / 8x6x9x3x / Xx
Maxx Coleman: XxXx / 10x8xAxAx / Xx
Scott Seiver: XxXx / Kx5x10x~folded on fifth street

Brad Lindsey, Maxx Coleman, and Scott Seiver went three ways to fourth street where Lindsey bet and both opponents called. On fifth, Lindsey bet again, but this time, only Coleman called. Coleman called bets from Lindsey on sixth and seventh street.

Lindsey revealed AxJx5x for an 8-6-5-3-A. Coleman showed 6x4x2x for an 8-6-4-2-A and the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Maxx Coleman us
Maxx Coleman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Brad Lindsey us
Brad Lindsey

Tags: Brad LindseyMaxx ColemanScott Seiver