2024 World Series of Poker

Seiver Shows Osman Respect

Level 29

Scott Seiver: XxXx / 10xKx8x8x / Xx
Soner Osman: XxXx / 4xKxJx2x / Xx

Soner Osman completed and Scott Seiver called. Fourth street saw Osman bet and Seiver call. On fifth, it was Seiver with the betting lead and Osman who called. Sixth street paired Seiver's eight, so Osman bet, and Seiver called. On seventh, Osman bet his remaining 185,000, and Seiver tapped the table and mucked, saying, "You win."

Osman replied, "Thanks for folding." He went on to comment that the respect was mutual.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Soner Osman gb
Soner Osman

Tags: Scott SeiverSoner Osman