2024 World Series of Poker

Number Two for Coleman

Level 28
Maxx Coleman
Maxx Coleman

Akihiro Kawaguchi completed with an Ax, and Maxx Coleman called showing a 7x.

Akihiro Kawaguchi: XxXx / Ax2x4x8x / Xx
Maxx Coleman: 4x2x / 7x6xAx3x / 7x

Kawaguchi led on fourth and fifth streets. Coleman took the betting lead on sixth and continued on seventh.

Kawaguchi quickly called on seventh and got the bad news as Coleman had made a six-four for #2 to drag a large pot.

Player Chips Progress
Maxx Coleman us
Maxx Coleman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Akihiro Kawaguchi jp
Akihiro Kawaguchi

Tags: Akihiro KawaguchiMaxx Coleman