2024 World Series of Poker

Seiver Bluffs Into a Six

Level 28

Scott Seiver completed with a 5x, Soner Osman called with an Ax, and Akihiro Kawaguchi called showing an Ax.

Scott Seiver: XxXx / 5x4xQx6x / Xx
Soner Osman: XxXx / Ax9x - folded on fourth street
Akihiro Kawaguchi: 6x4x / Ax3xQx9x / 2x

Kawaguchi led on fourth and only Seiver called. The action checked through on fifth street.

Seiver decided to lead on sixth and Kawaguchi called. He led again on seventh and Kawaguchi decided to just call.

Seiver announed, "Queen." and began to muck his hand while Kawaguchi tabled 6-4-3-2-A.

Player Chips Progress
Akihiro Kawaguchi jp
Akihiro Kawaguchi
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Soner Osman gb
Soner Osman

Tags: Akihiro KawaguchiScott SeiverSoner Osman