2024 World Series of Poker

Lindsey Takes From Abitbol

Level 27

Scott Siever limped with a 9x, Brad Lindsey limped with an 8x, Steven Abitbol completed with an Ax, and only Lindsey called.

Brad Lindsey: 5x3x / 8xAx5xKx / 6x
Steven Abitbol: 8x5x / Ax7xJx6x / Ax

Abitbol check-called on fourth. Lindsey led on fifth, and the action checked through on sixth.

Abitbol led with a bet on seventh and Lindsey thought for a while before he tossed in the call.

Abitbol showed 8-7-6-5-A whereas Lindsey had 8-6-5-3-A to drag the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Brad Lindsey us
Brad Lindsey
Steven Abitbol fr
Steven Abitbol

Tags: Brad LindseyScott SieverSteven Abitbol