2024 World Series of Poker

Brownstein Put In Blender

Level 26

Ben Yu: XxXx/Kx - folded third street
Peter Brownstein: XxXx/5x8xJx9x/Xx - folded seventh street
Ingo Klasen: XxXx/4x3xKx10x/Xx

Ben Yu brought in, Peter Brownstein completed, and Ingo Klasen raised. The action folded back to Brownstein, who made the call.

He also called on fourth street before check-calling a bet on fifth street. He retook the betting lead on sixth street and bet out, receiving a call from Klasen.

Brownstein then checked in the dark on seventh street, after which Klasen placed a bet after having looked at his cards.

Brownstein spent a minute or so in the tank before finding a fold, leaving himself with just two big bets.

Player Chips Progress
Ingo Klasen de
Ingo Klasen
Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Peter Brownstein us
Peter Brownstein

Tags: Ben YuIngo KlasenPeter Brownstein